Cosy Autumn – My Favourite Time Of The Year


OK, I admit it, I absolutely love autumn!  Don’t get me wrong, I love summer, but I never have that sadness most people feel when August ends and you know summer is over.  Instead I am super excited for the new season!  I’m pretty sure it stems from childhood, my mother always calls me her “Autumn child” thanks to my November birthday and that celebration combined with Halloween and Bonfire Night just brings back lovely memories of childhood excitement!  And now that my little one is due in December (yes, I know technically winter), it just gives me another reason to love this season!

Here are some of the things I love about Autumn that we have to look forward to;

Hot Chocolates and Winter Drinks; pumpkin spice lattes…. and gingerbread lattes….and honey&almond hot chocolates….. this could get out of hand!

Pumpkin latte LATTE

The colours of the trees changing!  Autumn leaves are by far the most spectacular to admire and I love that no matter if you live in the city or the countryside, you’ll always find a beautiful autumn view to admire

autumn leaves London Autumn

The fashion!!!!! Oh the fashion! Autumn clothes are by far my favourite – cosy jumpers, boots, gorgeous rustic colours!  I love the excuse to get cosy in a fluffy jumper!

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Speaking of clothes, you’ve got to love the cosy fluffy socks at this time of year.  And of course, any excuse to rock a hat!


The great excuse for an autumn manicure

autumn nails

Cosy log fires – curling up on a rainy day in front of one with some good DVD’s for company – perfect especially curled up in a warm blanket


Celebrations of Halloween and Bonfire night – takes you back to that child hood excitement

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Candles!!!!!!!!!!  Autumn collections always include gorgeous Christmas scents like mulled wine, apples, cinnamon and vanilla. Heavenly

yankee a yankee

The impending excitement of Christmas.  Yes we all roll our eyes when the Christmas festivities hits the shops but everyone loves seeing the gorgeous Christmas lights on chilly autumn evenings and getting that early Christmas excitement.

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Another of my most favourite part of Autumn is the excuse to make your home super cosy!  Of course you’ve got the impending excitement of Christmas decorations (any excuse for fairy lights) but in the mean time here are some tips for making your home a cosy haven on those chilly nights.

Cosy Blankets

As I’ve said above, there is nothing quite like curling up in front of a DVD with a gorgeous cosy blanket!  I love mine and often have to fight the cats for it!  Get colours that match your current decor so that there are no clashes, and in the summer months you can hang the blanket on the back of your sofa.  Of course there are loads of different fabrics out there to choose from but in my opinion the softer and cosier the better!


Autumn Flowers

Most people probably think Autumn is a time when you can’t get a nice flower arrangement due to the cold weather making it difficult for anything to grow!  But shop around – there are so many gorgeous colours at this time of year and local florists can easily put together a beautiful arrangement for you and combining oranges and yellow will give you a beautiful floral arrangement, perfect for this time of year.

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Home Decorations 

Along with flowers, there are lots of little touches of autumn you can give to your home.   As you can tell from above, I am a huge candle fan – these can make your home so cosy and of course smelling gorgeous!  If you don’t want to fork out on some of the more expensive candles and you’re good at crafts (I can’t say I am too great) grab a couple of mason jars, and decorate with ribbons and autumn leaves !  Another pretty thing to do is fill empty vases with autumn leaves, pine cones, and the shops are full of stick type decorations with fairy lights attached at this time of year which are so pretty.

I also love table decorations you can get at this time of year.  And you can always personalise these to make them more Christmas like as the festive season approaches!  I wish I was good at crafts and could make things like this but I tend to cheat and buy them!  But you can do this for a reasonable price if you shop around at some of the discount stores such as B&M, and Homebase also do lots of nice home decor for reasonable prices.

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Cosy for bed

This is the time of year to swap your lighter summer duvet for a cosier winter duvet!  Not only does this keep you even toastier but it’s a good excuse to give your bedroom an autumnal feel.  You can do this with new sheets or just by having an additional blanket (see, I told you I love them) along the end of the bed!

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So there you go – there are loads of lovely reasons to embrace this time of year.  Yes it’s chilly, and the evenings are dark and getting out of bed can be very hard on those cold autumn mornings, but reach for the gingerbread latte and go candle shopping – it’ll ease your pain!

I hope you enjoyed this post!  Let me know your thoughts and please follow my Twitter and Instagram if you like what you’ve seen.  There’s lots more to come!



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