30 Day Blogging Challenge – Day 22

Morning Everyone,

So today’s challenge is:

What’s your favourite drink and why?

I can’t pick just one ( I know, I’m useless I’ve had this indecisiveness with nearly every challenge – oops)! So here are my two drinks I couldn’t be without!


I love tea!I’m literally obsessed! I couldn’t be without it. I find it such a comforting drink and I honestly can’t function until I’ve had a cup in the morning. I was fortunate that when I was pregnant and switched to decaf I couldn’t taste a difference at all so I could still drink gallons of the stuff! I just love it. My husband hates tea (and coffee); he say’s it tastes like dirty water! This I find insane, how can you not like tea! But he also doesn’t like the TV show Friends…. he’s an odd one 😉 (just kidding, he’s an amazing one <3)


Come on, it’s like you didn’t see this coming! Oh how I love my fizz!! Prosecco especially (it’s drier than Champagne or Cava). I just find it such a fun, light and enjoyable drink! And it doesn’t give me a hangover like white wine does! Who doesn’t love bubbles! And there’s even some benefits to it; there are less calories in it than in wine, and because it’s full of bubbles, you drink it slower. And if you want to go super flash and get the champers in, it’s been proven to have similar antioxidants to red wine! Winner.

So there you have it, a super easy one for me and if all else fails, there’s always unicorn water…….


Have a great day and I’ll be back tomorrow with the next challenge:

Write a letter to your teenage self 

Have a great day xx


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