Liebster Award Nomination


Hello my lovelies,

Well what a happy post to write today. Yesterday, whilst laid up in bed with a delightful sickness bug (I wouldn’t of wished it on my word enemy), I got a tweet from the lovely Lori from and was delighted to see she has nominated me for the Liebster Award.

I hadn’t heard of this before, but the Liebster award is something that is passed from blogger to blogger. It is a fabulous was for us bloggers to recognise and support each others work and promote some of our most favourite blogs.  I absolutely love this idea as I have felt so accepted and encouraged by fellow bloggers and can honestly say that I look at some of you as friends now. We all support each other and it’s lovely that there isn’t any bitchy competition in our blogging community; we all champion each other.

One of the rules is to give an explanation on the purpose of our website. I have to say, the honest purpose of my blog is to make you smile! It’s to show all you lovely mummies and mummies to be that we’re all in this journey together, we are all there to support each other and remind ourselves of the fabulous job we’re doing.  I write very honestly; I am the sort of girl who wears her heart on her sleeve and I think this comes across in my writing, which is something I am very proud of.

So, as part of my nomination I’ve been asked to answer a few questions about me so here we go:

1.) What inspired you to start your blog?

I’ve always enjoyed writing; I find it such a rewarding outlet. At the start of 2015 I opened up to those I am close to about some depression I had been experiencing. At the time my husband suggested I start a blog about it as I seem to express myself really well with writing. Not long after this, much to my delight, I fell pregnant. I then started to write about my pregnancy, as well as my life in general and I can honestly say I absolutely love it! I adore blogging and it’s the best thing I could have started.

2.) What blogging goal are you currently striving for?

I want to continue engaging my readers and write things I know people can identify with and enjoy. I would love to increase my followers and I am also looking at long term goals including writing a book. I want to make people smile and feel positive reading my posts.

3.) What activities do you enjoy outside of blogging?

Obviously being a mummy! I also have a passion for fashion and beauty; like any other woman I love shopping, and I love experimenting with hair and make up. I also enjoy reading when I get the chance, and dancing although I never have time to go to classes anymore.

4.) What tactics do you employ on those days when blogging is hard & frustrating?

To be honest, if I feel frustrated with blogging on a particular day, I don’t write. I wouldn’t ever want to write a post that was half hearted – it’s important to me that my readers enjoy my writing and I’d be so disappointed if someone read a post and went away thinking it was half arsed. I’d rather wait until I had something I want to write about whole heartedly.

5.) If you could have lunch with any famous person, who would you choose?

I hate these questions cause how can you just pick one!  I’d say David Beckham for obvious reasons, Prince Harry cause we could have a few drinks and a laugh, and the Queen cause I really want to know what she carries around in her handbag!

6.) What are your three favourite blogs to follow?

Again this is so hard as I have quite a lot that I follow. First one is Sarah over at Mum Muddling Through, I love her style of writing and she has also been a huge support to me helping me with queries I had when I first started blogging.

I am also a huge fan of Franca over at She is such a warm, friendly writer and like Sarah, hugely supportive of me and other writers in our little blogging community.

It’s impossible to pick just one more so I have to pick two! Firstly is Jodie over at We have really similar interests and I love reading her make up reviews on her blog. More than once she’s recommended a product that I’ve gone and bought and it’s been fabulous.

And finally I’d have to say Lynne over at I can really identify with her writing as we are in similar places on our motherhood journey; sometimes she’ll write something and I am just like “yes, that’s exactly how I felt too”!!

7.) What piece of blogging advice have you found to be most helpful?

Write about things you’d also enjoy reading about. It helps your audience identify with you and relate to your posts.

8.) Are you a full-time blogger or do you also hold down a day job?

I am a stay at home Mum so I blog full time. I don’t make any money from it, although I’d love to one day. I also have some business ideas that are currently being put into place so I can work from home.

9.) What is your favourite post on your blog thus far?

I did one just the other day motivating other mummies and it got some great feedback that it really cheered some mummies up and reminded them how fabulous they are!  I also did a recent post that I was nervous to do;the first three months of being a Mum in pictures. And some of those pictures were very raw and real; I looked exhausted. But I really wanted to be honest in the post and show what being a Mummy is all about – and how much it is totally worth being exhausted for.

10.) What social media platforms do you use and which one is most effective for you?

I use Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest. The most interaction I have is on Twitter which I love using as it’s quick and connects you to other bloggers. I do love Pinterest and Instagram too but I’ve not used them as much as Twitter.

So now it’s time for me to make my nominations for the Liebster Award – here goes:

Sarah – Mum Muddling Through

Tayla – Motherhood The Real Deal

Jodie – MakeuptoMotherhood

Lynne – New Mummy Blog

Katy – Hot Pink Wellies

Franca – A Moment With Franca

And if you choose to accept the award (oh go on, please do), here is your list of questions:

1.) What inspired you to start your blog?

2.) What blogging goal are you currently striving for?

3.) What activities do you enjoy outside of blogging?

4.) What tactics do you employ on those days when blogging is hard & frustrating?

5.) If you could have lunch with any famous person, who would you choose?

6.) What are your three favorite blogs to follow?

7.) What piece of blogging advice have you found to be most helpful?

8.) Are you a full-time blogger or do you also hold down a day job?

9.) What is your favorite post on your blog thus far?

10.) What social media platforms do you use and which one is most effective for you?

Liebster Award Winner Rules:

1 – Thank the person/blog who nominated you and post a link to their blog on your blog.

2 – Display the award on your blog. This can be done by including it in your post and/or displaying it using a widget (note: the best way to do this is to save the image to your own computer and then upload it to your blog/post).

3 – Answer the 10 questions about yourself that your nominating blogger chooses for you.

4 – Create a list of questions for your nominated bloggers to answer.

5 – List these rules in your post (feel free to cut & paste!)

6 – Inform the blogs that you nominated that they have been awarded the award and provide a link for them to your post so that they can learn about it.

So there you have it – a bit about me, a fab award nomination and some nominations for my gorgeous fellow Mummy bloggers.

Enjoy xxx

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