Our Week In Pictures – Sensory, Ceramics, Cuddles and… sickness!!!

Hi Everyone,

And a Happy Mothers Day to all you yummy mummies!!  We’ve had a lovely week this week apart from a sickness bug I caught which was HELL!!! So I thought I’d share some of our highlights in pictures!

Sensory Class 

We had another lovely week at our Sensory Class at Twinkle Toes this week. It was far more chilled than last week as there were few of us, and much to Josh’s delight there was lots of light features again! We had a little break too during which I tried him in the jumparoo which he absolutely loved!!! So we’ve got him one to have at home now. It was Goldilocks and the Three Bears this week at class, and it’s really interesting to see that Josh looks at the pictures in the books read to him. We had another really lovely session with Lianne and Ingrid this week, they are lovely classes and really warm and friendly. i can’t recommend them enough and as you can see from the pictures, Josh was so relaxed and content by the end of this weeks class that he full on passed out in the middle of the floor. Check out the page here for info on Twinkle Toes and the sessions held there:Twinkle Toes Soft Play Baby Cafe

A Spot of Baby Crafts! 

My friend organised for us to go to a lovely little local gallery and cafe where not only do you get to indulge in cake and tea but you also get to create ceramic gifts! It was absolutely brilliant; we spent four hours there which flew by but in the most relaxing way. It was so fun creating special gifts with the babies, and being in such a relaxed atmosphere where we could feed and chat without being rushed at all. Josh and I made some very special presents for Nanny and Daddy! As you can see baby boy was pretty tired by the end of the day. I loved this day and will definetly be going back. Check out the website here:Willow Gallery

Super Smiley Baby Cheering up a Very Poorly Mummy 

So I woke up at 11 to do the dream feed on Thursday night and I didn’t feel right. I managed to do the dream feed and then proceeded to spend the next 7 hours throwing up! Oh My God I was so unwell; towards dawn when I was just bringing up stomach acid (I know – rank), I was screaming out in pain more than I was when I gave birth!! Thankfully Sam took the Friday off to look after Josh whilst I was confined to the spare room to stop me spreading germs! Of course Sam took great pleasure in dressing Josh that day hence the Storm Trooper outfit!! But it was lovely to see Josh smiley and on good form because I was worried the whole time he was going to catch this bug (touch wood I think he’s avoided it). I think it also gave Sam an insight into how much us stay at home mummies do, despite people thinking it’s all a breeze staying at home! When he got up on Saturday morning after having him all day Friday as well as the Thursday night when I was being sick he looked shattered and said to me “I don’t know how you do it”. Another thing Sam said that was lovely and struck a chord was that no matter how rotten the day has been (to top things off on the Friday our boiler broke and cost £550 to fix) when Josh smiles at him it makes up for absolutely everything! So true; baby smiles are priceless.

Happy Mothers Day 

Fortunately after being sick, I was delighted to be feeling better in time to celebrate my very first Mothers Day! We had such a lovely relaxing day and it was lovely end to the week. Us mummies deserve a celebration and I loved being spoilt with cuddles with my baby after not being able to be around him so much when I was sick; I genuinely missed him! When I took him up to bed last night and it was quiet and he was snuggled up on my chest, it felt like we were the only two people in the world and it was one of the most amazing, luckiest feelings in the world.

So that was our week – Hope yours has been good and I hope no one else catches that bug; I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy!!

Fi xx

6 thoughts on “Our Week In Pictures – Sensory, Ceramics, Cuddles and… sickness!!!

  1. Wow what an eventful time you’ve been having – so sorry to hear about the awful bug – it makes you realise how (relatively) easy you had it when you got ill before kids doesn’t it! What a relief that Josh didn’t catch it and you were well enough to enjoy your first Mother’s Day! Becky x #bigpinklink


  2. Happy first mothers day!! Such an uplifting post (despite the sickness-that must’ve been just awful…) The pictures really took me back to when my eldest was Josh’s age, (unfortunately baby 2 was never treated to the same classes and experiences as number 1, due to their closeness in age…#mumguilt!) But the eldest just adored baby sensory! And I have to say, of all the classes I took him to, I actually loved baby sensory too! I cried a bit when he got booted out at 13 months for being too old to attend anymore! And our house used to be filled with all the things I used to take him to the pottery painting place to get his footprints put on!! We’ve put it all away now though, as we have none with the Assassins footprints on! I LOVE the stormtrooper outfit-my husband would certainly be giving your husband a high five for that choice! And Josh is just too gorgeous…. Thanks for sharing these lovely pictures with us at #bigpinklink!


  3. So glad you managed to feel better for your first mother’s day! Being ill when you have kids is the absolute worst.

    I loved the sound of baby sensory but sadly Max hated all kinds of sensory stuff until more recently, so we never ended up doing any of those classes. The jumperoo though! You’ll grow to love that thing so much! It allowed me to have a hot cup of tea after god knows how many months!


  4. Oh no I’m sorry to hear you were so poorly! There are some nasty bugs going around! It’s awful when mom goes down with it because the whole operation falls apart. You were a star to get the last feed in! I’m glad you were feeling better for mother’s day. Thanks so much for sharing with us at #bloggerclubuk x

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