Welcome to my Website

Hi everyone!  And a big welcome to my website!! I am so excited about this new project.  I have had such positive response from my previous blogs and I wanted to use my passion for writing and launch it with my website specialising in beauty, pregnancy and baby, and lifestyle!


So, straight into it!  As I’m writing this I am 26 weeks pregnant.  And I am also sweltering!  I cannot get over how uncomfortable it is to be pregnant in summer!  Given that I am only into my sixth month of pregnancy I took for granted that I wouldn’t suffer too much in the heat.  WRONG!!  It is quite frankly hideous!  I am normally one of these girls who is always cold but right now I’d give anything to be cold! I am quite surprised as I thought this second trimester was meant to be the honeymoon period of pregnancy.  But like so many other pregnant women I’ve found it quite hard.  Having suffered so badly with sickness in the first trimester that has tailed off a bit and I’m only sick maybe once a week which may not be pleasant but is far more manageable than it was!  Instead I’ve been told I’ve got low blood pressure and have been told to have lots of rest so I don’t faint which would do me no favours as I’ve also got a low-lying placenta which is scary enough, but of course I wouldn’t want to do anything to cause any bleeding!

But, as much as I’ve had a bit of a rough time of it, I am loving being pregnant! The baby moves loads now which is the best feeling ever.  It really makes you bond with the baby too and I think it really helps the dad to be to bond with the baby too.  I feel bad for the husband sometimes – the men do miss out on all the hideous symptoms (I’d love to see them deal with puking every day) but they also don’t get to experience all the amazing things such as feeling the baby move inside.  Thankfully he’s started to feel the baby moving more and more now which is lovely.  And he is all over Project Nursery!  I love that he’s taken so much interest and made the room look so lovely! It makes me feel very lucky as I read some of the online forums and it seems like so many women are stuck with right miserable gits who don’t support them and don’t get involved.

In keeping with previous posts, here is my little pregnancy quiz:

How far along : 26 weeks

Total Weight Gain:  This is going to sound terrible but I’ve put on a good stone and a half so far in this pregnancy!  It sounds an awful lot, but I think I am carrying it quite well.  I was not my usual happy self at the end of 2014 and lost a bit of weight through stress and I know that now I look so much healthier, bump and all!  So I am really glad to have put the weight on and lucky for me it appears to be all bump and boobs!

Maternity Clothes:  Yep! My friend has been a god send and lent me a few bits and pieces and I am living in stretchy maxi dresses with this heat!  Sounds awful but I can’t wait for it to get cooler so I can live in my maternity jeans and leggings (OMG – Maternity Leggings – whoever invented them deserves a medal cause my god they are the most comfortable things ever) and cosy jumper!

Stretch Marks: I keep hearing that if I am going to get them, it’s going to be any time now!  Thankfully I am slathering on all kinds of oils and body lotions every morning and evening and so far I have avoided them!! I am praying it stays that way!

Sleep:  Hmmm, sleep, whats that!!  Sleep has been rubbish this last couple of weeks.  I think it’s a combination of the heat, getting bigger and I’ve had a stinking cold so I wake up in the night not being able to breathe.  I am now a firm believer we should never take for granted the ability to breath through both nostrils!! 🙂

Best Moment this Week:  We had a lovely weekend celebrating our friends beautiful wedding!  But my other favourite moment this week is this – kicking off my website.  I feel like it’s going to be the start of my new journey as a mummy!!

Miss anything: Sleep!! I miss sleep so much at the moment – some days I’ve literally been so tired it’s made me stupidly hormonal. I’ve cried at various ridiculous things including not being able to pick a changing bag as there were too many nice ones to pick from, and being too hot! Idiot!

Movements:  Feeling them more and more now which is lush.  Especially in the morning when I first get up –  I think it’s the babies way of telling me to get up and eat!  And also in the evening which is when he/she is most active.

Food Cravings: I am borderline ashamed of how much I am eating at the moment! In fact even as I write this, I finished lunch not long ago and am now ploughing my way through a bowl of crunchy nut corn flakes!  I can’t even say I’ve got any particular cravings, I just eat loads! It’s terrible!! But necessary ha ha!! I do still have quite a major sweet tooth but am trying to be well-behaved and eat loads of veg too!  But mostly I want cake!!

Anything making you queasy/sick:  No, not in particular.  I am occasionally sick but I think that’s all part and parcel now!

Symptoms: Tired a lot of the time which is getting tedious – I want that burst of energy everyone says you get at this point!  Still got restless legs but I got some amazing cooling gel (which I will review in my pregnancy must haves on the Home Page).  And the days of contact lenses are numbered  – my eyes are drying out so badly!

Mood:  I have probably been a bit of a nightmare this past week.  I’ve had a stinking cold and I’ve been really hormonal – I’ve had a few episodes of One Born Every Minute recorded the last few weeks but cause I am crying at the drop of a hat I’ve had to postpone watching them!  Obviously like all girls I’ll always cry at that programme, but the way I’ve been I thought it was best to wait till I don’t end up in floods of tears!  Having said that I am really happy at the moment – the nursery has been taking shape and I go in there and just look at the babies clothes and cot and even that makes me teary eyed cause I feel so overwhelmed and happy.   People say get a grip but I say try having these hormones going mental and then tell me to get  a grip!  Ha ha maybe we should add feisty to my mood!

Looking forward to: Autumn!! ha ha!  I am very over summer now – the weather is beautiful but it’s too hot.  Once September is here I’ll be on serious count down to the baby being here, plus we have an additional scan in October to determine if the placenta has moved and if I need a C Section or not.  I have an amazing wedding to look forward to as well in a couple of weeks – they are the most amazing couple and I cannot wait to be with them on their special day!

So that’s this weeks update.  But keep any eye on the page – I’ll be adding more pages and links and I can’t wait to get everyone’s thoughts and feedback!

Thanks for reading x

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