Holiday O Clock

Morning My Lovelies!

And Happy Friday (although it may be the most controversial Friday morning this country has ever seen…… not something I’m going to touch on here though).


Anyway, I wanted to drop a quick post to say, we are off on our holiday! Our first proper family holiday with Josh and with his aunties and uncles and grandparents. We will be going off to Cornwall next Friday which I am so excited about, although slightly dreading the 7 hour journey (any tips for doing such a long journey with a little one).

As well as all this I have hubs off most of next week; after nearly 10 weeks of doing insane 12 hour shifts he is back to normal working hours and, more importantly, he has most of next week off so we have lots of family time planned including Joshs christening this weekend, celebrating our fourth wedding anniversary and we are off to the Norfolk show which is something I look forward to every year!

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Josh sending a big kiss to all you lovely readers

So this is my little heads up to you all who might be wondering where I’ve disappeared to! But I’ve decided to make this a proper break for me. I’d thought “oh I’ll take the laptop away with me and work in the evenings and do linkies” but then I decided No. I want some proper family time, which means a two week break, no blogging, just enjoying my amazing family and taking some time out for myself to regroup and refresh. Holiday-Quotes-5

I’ll still be on social media (come on, find me a blogger who can totally abstain from Twitter and Instagram) but no posts or linkies as of Monday 27th June for two weeks.  I am sure I will be back with lots of blogging material in a couple of weeks, and I will also be so keen to read about how everyone gets on at BritMums Live 16. I am so sorry I won’t be there – roll on next year. Wild horses won’t stop me!

I’ll sign off with a little positive quote – you know I love my quotes and this is one for us all:


Have a great couple of weeks everyone and keep your fingers crossed for some sunshine for me ❤

All the Love x

4 thoughts on “Holiday O Clock

  1. Ooh, a two week break – amazing! And Cornwall too – always a great choice. I hope you all have a wonderful time. I loved my recent holiday – did the same as you and had a total blogging break (more because I couldn’t get myself organised to schedule posts as I’d intended!), and I found it great. I’ve come back all refreshed!

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