Monday Morning Motivation – BE HAPPY <3

Morning Everyone,

As it’s a Bank Holiday you probably don’t need much motivation today; it’s all about praying for sunshine, having a BBQ even if it rains, and dragging the other half to B&Q for new tiles and spot of DIY! Whatever you’re doing make sure it makes you HAPPY!

That’s my message for this Monday, and as always is part of the Candid Cuddles Linky with the lovely Becky over at Cuddle Fairy. Be Happy! It’s a simple message but one of huge importance.

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Recently I had some really sad news about an old work colleague of mine; he took his own life. It’s not my story to divulge, so I won’t, but needless to say I was really upset to hear this. Especially as he was the last person I’d of thought would do that; he was a strong guy, full of strong opinions and up for a laugh.

I was obviously really upset when I heard but it really did make me think, life is so short. It’s so important that we cherish every moment and make sure that every single day we feel happiness. Every single person deserves happiness and you can find it in every day, whether big or small.

A lot of it is down to you. If you go through life with a negative attitude or looking at things pessimistically, it is hard for you to feel happy. You are writing your own story in this life, and remember we only get one go at it – this isn’t a dress rehearsal! In my opinion you need to embrace who you are, be confident in yourself and your abilities as a partner, parent, friend, worker, and as my quote says, be happy.

candid cuddles

And in keeping with this, and encouraging positivity, I love this second quote cause it made me think “wow, what is yet to come”! We all go through difficult times, we all have struggles no matter how big or small, but these are things that mould us, that make us who we are. I don’t think I’d be as strong or as positive as I am now if I hadn’t gone through a low period in my life a few years back. Yes, it was shitty, it was a horrible time, but it strengthened me. It gave me self belief. It made me realise I am a little toughy and I can cope with what life throws at me. And I truly believe that by going through this, dealing with it and getting better, my  body and mind rewarded me with falling pregnant and giving me my amazing son. I know some people may roll their eyes at that, or think “what a load of rubbish” but it’s my belief and as I have already said, I’m proud of who I am and how I think.

do what makes you happy

So on this typical British Bank Holiday Monday I encourage you to do what makes you happy, do what makes you smile, whatever that may be; go for a family walk, eat an entire tub of Ben&Jerrys, have a Harry Potter DVD marathon, take the kids to the beach, have a cheeky glass of Pimms, do some on line shopping, paint your nails, lay on the sofa and read – what ever it is you want to do, enjoy it, have a lovely day and remember to look for the good in every day. We’re all very lucky to be here.

Lots of Love xx


Cuddle Fairy

17 thoughts on “Monday Morning Motivation – BE HAPPY <3

  1. So so sad about your colleague – we never really know what’s going on in other people’s minds. I think that’s why it’s so important to try and be positive, even when life is doing its best to get you down, to lift not just yourself but to try and touch the people you meet along the way. x #candidcuddles

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  2. This post really touched me! One of my very best friends took her life when I was pregnant with Adam and it still hurts so much knowing she felt there was no way out of her pain, she couldn’t see the amazing person she was or how much she would be missed. She had always been the happiest person until she was injured and depression took hold. Thank you for linking up xx #mg


  3. I’m so sorry about your colleague. This is such a great post. I love the quote about everything that happens in life is preparing you for a moment that has yet to come. It’s so easy to question decisions of the past and have regret, but this is a great reminder that everything is as it needs to be ❤ #mg

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  4. You have so many wonderful quotes in this post! So full of positivity, wisdom & hope. I’m so sorry about your work colleague, that’s such an awful tragedy when someone takes their life. It does make you appreciate each day a little bit more Thank you for sharing your quote with #candidcuddles x

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